Monthly Newsletter
MAY 2018
Rites of Passage student Yurien Bernardez prepare us for the month of May, with upcoming events.
May 3, 2018: 10 Days of Connection at Venture Café
May 4th- May 18th, 2018: Summer Internship interviews
May 7, 2018: NAF MEGA Conference
May 17, 2018- Career Day at Charles Drew Middle School
May 19, 2018: Urgent Inc. Graduation
May 23, 2018: Parent orientation for chosen Interns
APRIL 2018
Rites of Passage student Nerlande Rinville, prepare us for the month of April, with upcoming events.
April 7, 2018: Day of Dialogue
April 8, 2018: Media Empowerment Brunch
April 13, 2018: Multi-Media Lab Launch Open House
April 20, 2018: Urgent Inc’s Skill Pop (Create a PSA)
April 28, 2018: ROP & FACE Mock interviews and Career Panel field trip